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Pure Serenity Life Coaching

"A life coach does for the rest of your life what a personal trainer does for your health and fitness." Elaine MacDonald

I offer Life Coaching for Women- helping women to achieve their goals and live their best lives.


With a background in health, I am passionate about supporting women (and their partners) through pregnancy, birth and beyond.


"The passage of time is inevitable, but what we choose to do with that time is entirely up to us". Unknown

I believe as we grow older and wiser, there are still so many opportunities for us to explore so, if you are thinking you are "too old" to move towards that goal, think again.

Contact me for a no obligation chat to find out how I can help you.

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My name is Sharon and I'm a qualified life coach / Nurse / Midwife living in the beautiful county of Shropshire.  

I'm here to empower, nurture and support other women to negotiate the pathways and challenges in life using a wide range of coaching and NLP tools and techniques. 


Whether you are about to become a new parent, move to a new job or are planning to do something adventurous like climbing Kilimanjaro, I can support, encourage and offer clarity and accountability to help you move forward.


From my own personal experience as a Mother, grandmother and health professional, becoming a parent is one of life's biggest challenges, it can certainly feel like life is "turning upside down"!  With my midwifery experience, I am particularly passionate about supporting and nurturing women (and their partner) through pregnancy and beyond. I specialise in offering coaching and antenatal preparation sessions for parents, introducing the Katharine Graves Hypnobirthing course and a fabulous parenting guide called "Beyond Birth" written by Sophie Burch.


Here's a quote by Rumi

" Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?"


As a Nurse, Midwife and Life coach I have worked and continue to work to a high standard of professionalism and confidentiality. I have a passion to care and encourage people to be the best they can be and promise to be your biggest cheerleader whatever challenges you encounter!


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“She believed she could and she did"


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My Story

Life coach / Midwife / Mum / Grandmother /  Ocean Rower

Picture this....

I'm in my local gym, setting up my weights for body pump and a "strange lady" approaches??? Right out of the blue she says "I've been watching you", "I've seen you working hard and I'm looking for ladies to join a ladies crew to row 3000 miles across the Atlantic ocean!".

Can I ask you a question???.......

Have you ever been approached with a proposal like this?

Do you know what is involved in rowing the Atlantic Ocean?

Fortunately, a  few years earlier, my son returned home one day and announced he was rowing the Atlantic ocean - What?????????

I quickly started to get as much information together to understand what was involved so I could support him as much as possible despite knowing the risks (eek!!). Unfortunately, my son's challenge did not happen as planned however, had he not brought the challenge to my attention and had I not researched it, I would not have had the foggiest idea about what was involved in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge (TWAC) and thought this lady was "crazy"!!

Strangely enough, I was really excited that this "strange lady" had approached "me"! "I want to break the Guinness world record for the oldest crew of ladies ever to row and ocean" she said. "Wouldn't that be just amazing" I thought to myself?!?!?

Now...being 53years old, very near to being able to take flexi retirement, I was frequently asked about when I was retiring like I was well past my sell by date!!!

What is it about ladies of a certain age that people seem to think we are "passed it!"

After a little thought (not much) I was in!

I hadn't got a clue how we were going to raise a minimum of £100,000 plus charity funds to complete the challenge, I couldn't row, I despised the rowing machine in the gym, I disliked deep water because I like to see what's below the surface of the water (thank you very much), plus so many more reasons for not accepting the challenge! 

"If not you, then who? If not now, then when?"

To cut a long story short - you can see from the picture - we did it!!!  The details for the trip are being saved for a book, after all everyone has a book within them!


What's the point of me sharing this story? Not a lot really?!?


I'm a very ordinary person (Mum, Wife, Midwife, Life Coach and Ocean Rower!) who had the privilege of doing something really unusual. I cannot put into words how incredible the experience was. I follow the annual TWAC and am there with the crews in spirit, knowing how exhilarating and frightening it can be out there in a small ocean rowing boat on that amazing ocean.

I believe ordinary people can achieve incredible things if they want it and if they really believe in themselves hence, my passion for life coaching. 


I want to help women achieve those things they only dream of, I want to help women believe in themselves and their body, to gain confidence and empower them to lead a fulfilled life.

I want to help women be the best version of themselves and influence their children and their children's children.


We only have one life - lets live it!




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51 Glebe Road, Bayston Hill


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